
How Long Do I Cook Turkey For

You lot've mastered how to thaw frozen turkey and prepped your bird with a proper dry brine—now it'southward time to roast! While it's helpful to know exactly how long to cook a turkey per pound, the temperature of your bird is really the best fashion to tell if it'south washed, rather than how much time it's been in the oven. So, invest in a great meat thermometer and stop stressing about undercooked poultry for good—specially on Thanksgiving!

Since a straight-upwardly number tin be helpful to get you started, here you lot go: figure nigh xiii minutes per pound of turkey when cooking an unstuffed bird. Nosotros don't recommend cooking your stuffing recipe inside the turkey because it will not get hot enough to kill off leaner earlier the turkey is done cooking. You'd have to overcook your bird to make sure the stuffing reaches a safe temperature.

Our Best Turkey Tips

  • Buy two smaller birds (or i whole turkey and one turkey chest) if you lot're feeding a crowd. 2 10-pound birds will cook more evenly and will be less likely to dry out than a 20-pound monster (plus, they'll exist easier to carve!).
  • The Test Kitchen agrees that 375℉ is the best temperature to cook a turkey, considering it's not too hot, non too cold, and cooks quickly enough to ensure that a juicy, flavorful bird is fix by dinnertime.
  • When your turkey is done, a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the turkey's thigh should register 165°F and its juices should be clear, non pinkish.
  • Let your turkey to rest for at least 25 minutes earlier carving. Comprehend it loosely with foil to keep it hot.

    How Long Does It Take To Cook a Turkey?

    Use our handy guide for turkey cooking times by size.

    how long to cook a turkey chart

    Laura Formisano

    Turkey still a little bit frozen on Thanksgiving morn? It's actually completely safe to cook a frozen turkey, but it volition take about 50 per centum longer to cook than a fully thawed bird. Dinner might get pushed dorsum by a few hours, only yous'll still have a delicious roast to serve and share.

    Samantha MacAvoy is the Editorial Assistant on the Practiced Housekeeping nutrient team, where she writes virtually tasty recipes from the Test Kitchen, must-try food products and tools, and peak-tested secrets for home cooking success.

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