
Can I Cook Precooked Ribs On The Grill

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Brand Ahead Ribs. Braised then grilled! Learn how to slow braise the ribs in the oven the mean solar day before and so grill and glaze them to sticky perfection the next day.

Make Ahead Ribs close up photo of individually cut ribs

Make Alee Ribs. Braised then grilled!

Originally published Aug 2022.

This recipe allow you to enjoy finger lickin' proficient ribs on weeknights too!

That'southward considering the slow, tender cooking of the meat can take identify the 24-hour interval earlier. Twenty minutes or so on a low grill is all it takes to completely reheat them and coat them to perfection.

Tender, fall-off-the-bone ribs need one most of import thing to be really perfect. That thing is just time.

Tiresome cooking is the but mode to achieve perfect ribs. Withal, that requires hours of deadening smoking or indirect grilling to work and most people only take fourth dimension to do that on the weekends.

Make Ahead Ribs wide shot of ribs on a serving platter with salad in the background.

Braised and so grilled!

My solution for weekday ribs is to separate the cooking into 2 distinct and very simple stages. 2 1/2 hours in the oven the night before when you are watching TV or doing housework, then dinner in minutes the next night when yous finish them on a grill.

I learned this in my very short fourth dimension equally a line cook in my early twenties. Nobody could e'er tell that they were pre-cooked.

Uncooked pork ribs on a wooden cutting board

Pork side ribs or back ribs can be used in this recipe.

Braising is the key to tender ribs.

The braising as well allows you to dissever the natural meat juices from the fat that is rendered out in the oven. You tin then save this pork stock to mix 1/2 and 1/2 with your favourite BBQ Sauce to mop on the ribs every bit they reheat and get a little char on them.

Make Ahead Ribs with chive flower garnish

Braised then grilled!

This works incredibly well to keep the ribs from drying out as they are reheating. I used my latest recipe for Smoky Spice Honey BBQ Sauce on the ribs and they were incredibly succulent but I'd also recommend our Maple Chipotle BBQ Sauce as well.

I like to use St. Louis style side ribs for this recipe because they are much meatier but yous tin can utilize infant back ribs too, only note the adjustment in oven time.

Make Ahead Ribs

Ribs taken out of the fridge the next day..

One last tip is to e'er melt your ribs in half racks. I always do this because they are much easier to handle on the grill.

I find as they get toward the finish of the grilling time a full rack is far more likely to break apart. Turning them multiple times in the glazing process is required and one-half racks are easier to handle

Make Ahead Ribs

Gazed several times to perfection.

A dry rub is needed to season these ribs. Y'all your favourite or make upwardly a batch of my Smokin' Summer Spice Dry Rub recipe. You lot'll utilize that on everything, trust me!

Smokin' Summer Spice Dry Rub photo of spices in mason jar with title text added for Pinterest

We take some great side dish inspiration also!

Including everything from baked beans & corn staff of life to deliciously unlike potato and pasta salads. Be sure to check them all out in our drove of 35 All-time BBQ Side Dishes too.

26 Best Barbecue Side Dishes photo collage for Pinterest

Originally published Aug 2022.

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Make Ahead Ribs photo with title text for Pinterest

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Prep Time: five minutes

Cook Fourth dimension: 2 hours 50 minutes

Total Fourth dimension: 2 hours 55 minutes

Make Alee Ribs - braised and then grilled! Acquire how to ho-hum braise the ribs in the oven the 24-hour interval before so grill and glaze them to sticky perfection the adjacent solar day.


  • 2 large racks of St. Louis fashion side ribs, or back ribs if you prefer.
  • Smokin' Summer Spice Dry Rub or other dry out rub.
  • iii/4 cup of your favourite BBQ Sauce
  • 3/4 cup of the reserved pork stock from braising the ribs.


  1. Cut the racks of ribs in half. Remove the silverish skin from the back sides of the ribs if you prefer. (I remove information technology past loosening information technology with the handle of a spoon then tearing information technology off on long strips.)
  2. Season lightly with salt and completely cover the ribs with a dusting of your favourite dry rub. Effort my recipe for Smokin' Summer Spice Dry out Rub.
  3. Wrap each one-half rack of ribs in aluminum foil, rolling and pressing the edges together to get a good seal. At present add a 2d layer of sealed aluminum foil to each ane of the half racks besides. Place the wrapped pork ribs on a balking sheet
  4. Preheat oven to 275 degrees F and cook the ribs undisturbed for 2 hours and 30 minutes. (ane hour and 30 minutes for back ribs)
  5. Carefully tear open a corner of each of the foil packets and drain the liquid off of the ribs into a small bowl or large measuring cup. Let the juices cool completely in the fridge so that the fat is hands removed from the top and discarded.
  6. Chill the ribs for several hours or overnight. The precooking tin be done up to 2 days in advance.
  7. Preheat the grill to low heat and gently begin to reheat the ribs, turning oft.
  8. Mix the BBQ Sauce and pork stock together and brainstorm to brush the ribs with the
  9. mixture as you turn and reheat the ribs,
  10. Take your time with this. I ordinarily take 20 - 25 minutes to go them completely heated through and fall off the bone tender. It'southward worth the fourth dimension!

Nutrition Information



Serving Size

one serving

Corporeality Per Serving Calories 505 Total Fat 30g Saturated Fat 10g Unsaturated Fat 0g Cholesterol 123mg Sodium 707mg Carbohydrates 24g Cobweb 1g Sugar 18g Protein 35g

Can I Cook Precooked Ribs On The Grill,


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