
How Long To Cook Meatloaf At 300 Degrees

Meatloaf Cooking Times


Karen Frazier Karen Frazier

Karen is the author of multiple cookbooks. She is as well a cocktails and wine expert, holding certifications in both mixology and vino.

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Meatloaf Cooking Times

How long you melt meatloaf depends on the size of the loaf and the blazon of protein yous use. There are different cooking temperatures for meats like pork, beef, and lamb, and poultry similar chicken, turkey, or duck.

Conventional Oven

You will need to cook the loaf at 350°F in a conventional oven. Dissimilar sizes will require different cooking times, but a proficient rule of thumb is 35 to 45 minutes per pound. Cooking times will vary due to variations in oven temperature.

  • Muffin tin meatloaves (standard muffin tin) accept about 20 to 30 minutes. Brainstorm taking the temperature at 20 minutes.
  • Mini meatloaves take 30 to 40 minutes. Begin taking the temperature at 30 minutes.
  • one pound volition take 35 minutes to 45 minutes. Begin taking the temperature at 35 minutes.
  • two pounds will take 55 minutes to an hr and ten minutes. Begin taking the temperature at 55 minutes.
  • 3 pounds volition take most 90 minutes to 2 hours. Begin taking the temperature at xc minutes.

Convection Oven

Convection ovens speed cooking times by circulating the heat in the oven with a fan, making the oven temperature more even throughout. The dominion of thumb with a convection oven is to reduce temperature by 25°F and cooking time by 25 per centum. Therefore, in a convection oven, y'all can cook your meatloaf at 325°F and the cooking times will change as follows:

  • Muffin tin meatloaves take from 17 to 30 minutes. Brainstorm checking at 17 minutes.
  • Mini meatloaves (eight to 9 ounces) have from 22 to 34 minutes. Begin checking at 22 minutes.
  • 1-pound meatloaves take between 26 and 42 minutes. Begin checking at 26 minutes.
  • ii-pound meatloaves have between 41 and 53 minutes. Beginning checking temp at 41 minutes.

Poultry Meatloaf

Meatloaf containing ground turkey, ground duck, or ground chicken needs to be cooked to 165°F. Then if a meatloaf contains a combination of ground meat (such as beef) and basis poultry (such every bit turkey), you demand to cook to the college temperature in order to make the poultry rubber to eat. The cooking temperature remains 350°F for a conventional oven and 325°F for a convection oven, and cooking times volition be every bit follows. Begin checking temperature at the shortest time until information technology reaches 165°F.

  • Muffin tin meatloaves will have 25 to 35 minutes in a conventional oven and twenty to 27 minutes in a convection oven.
  • Mini meatloaves (8 to ix ounces) volition accept 35 to 45 minutes in a conventional oven and 26 to 34 minutes in a convection oven.
  • 1-pound meatloaves have between 50 minutes and an hour in a conventional oven and between 37 and 45 minutes in a convection oven.
  • two-pound meatloaves take betwixt one hr and 75 minutes in a conventional oven and between 45 and 57 minutes in a convection oven.

Slow Cooker

As with any other food you cook in a ho-hum cooker, yous can cook a meatloaf on low for virtually viii hours or on high for nearly four. Don't forget to double cheque the temperature to brand certain it has reached the advisable temperature.

Requite It a Residue

Ane of the keys to a juicy meatloaf is to allow information technology to rest after cooking. This allows the juices to absorb into the meat and allows the texture to firm slightly so the loaf is easier to piece. Therefore, to calculate your cooking time you'll also demand to add in resting time, which is 10 to 15 minutes. To continue the meatloaf warm, you can loosely tent it with foil as it rests. The meat will besides rising a few degrees in temperature (betwixt about 2 and 5°F) as it rests.


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